The Trinidadian
Pelau Louise is making for me tonight is not 100% typical; the protein component is not the traditional chicken, but vegetarian "
Quorn", made from some kind of

fungal protein. Sounds a bit weird, but actually tastes good. The
pelau is of Indian origin (like half of the inhabitants of
Trinidad, including writer V.S.Naipaul), though similar dishes exist -
pilaf, etc. - from many Central Asian and Middle Eastern countries. The Caribbean character of
pelau consists of the coconut cream, hot peppers and
gungo peas (a bean with a nutty flavour). And the use of
caramelized brown sugar.
It reminds me somewhat of the rice 'n peas from my (11
Jamaican meal.
I ask Louise what differences there are
Jamaica (my only reference in the Caribbean) and Trinidad. She mentions
the fact that the Jamaican men that came to study at her university
were always bowled over by the beauty of the (straight-haired
Indo-) Trinidadian girls on campus. Louise herself is "easy on the eyes" with her wide smile and stylish dreadlocks, as her husband
Douwe (with even longer dreads) must acknowledge. I would never have

she was a petrochemical engineer, a profession I associate with
ambitious young men in suits. But then, what do I know? I've never
knowingly met one, Louise is the first.
For her
job, she has to be away for two-week periods every month, now in a small
town in Germany, working on pipelines buried beneath the ocean floor.
Too much time separated from Douwe! I'm guessing her parents in Trinidad must miss their three children a lot, as they are all living in Europe at the moment.
We relive Trini culture by leafing through an illustrated dictionary that includes such phrases as Fresh Water Yankee. The definition is: "A Trini
who goes to America and comes back acting and talking Yankee.
Originally someone acting Yankee without even going overseas, or
crossing salt water." Thus the fresh water reference.
In an online version I also find: Sucuyant, "A Trini
vampire that sheds its human skin and flies at night as a ball of fire,
sucking the blood of its victims while they sleep." I wish Louise was
here to explain that one for me now!
Less menacing is the word maco,
meaning a nosy person or a gossip. It's also the name of one of
Louise's favorite glossy magazines, filled with peeks into rich
Caribbean people's lives. We
admire the photos of a leafy garden of a stylish house in Curaçao and fantasize about what it would be like sitting on the porch at night. Quickly reality sets in when Douwe realizes: "We would be scratching ourselves like crazy because of all the mosquitoes!"
Oh well, maybe in our ideal Caribbean home, we would need to build a screened porch. In chilly Amsterdam, Douwe and Louise do have some impressive tropical plants, among them a Monstera deliciosa with incredibly glossy leaves. Their trick is dusting them with some kind of silicone gloves...
Feel like more domestic tips?
Click here for Louise's instructions for making
Trini Pelau. Chicken or Q
uorn, you decide.
original post about this meal is from November 03, 2006)
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